Coronary Artery Disease
peptic ulcers - a sore on the lining of the stomach or duodenum (beginning of the small intestine). Peptic ulcers are common -- one in 10 Americans develops an ulcer at some time in his or her life. One cause of peptic ulcer is bacterial infection, but some ulcers are caused by long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs), like aspirin and ibuprofen. In a few cases, cancerous tumors in the stomach or pancreas can cause ulcers. Peptic ulcers are not caused by stress or eating spicy food.
Perinatal depression - depression that occurs during pregnancy or within a year after delivery.
Peripartum depression - depression after pregnancy
peripheral neuropathy - classification of disorders that involve damaged or destroyed nerves. These disorders do not include the nerves of the brain or spinal cord.
peripheral vascular disease (also called peripheral arterial disease (PAD)) - A common disorder in which the arteries supplying oxygen rich blood from the heart to a limb (typically one or both legs) are blocked. As a result, the organs do not get enough blood flow for normal function. The most common cause of PAD is atherosclerosis
pesticides - any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, or repelling any pest. It also includes herbicides, fungicides, and various other substances used to control pests.
phobias - An anxiety disorder in which a person suffers from an unusual amount of fear of a certain activity or situation.
phototherapy - treatment with light. Prescription phototherapy exposes the baby's skin to special fluorescent lights. In mild cases of jaundice, exposing the baby's skin to sunlight (taking care to avoid sunburn) is sometimes recommended.
physical therapy - therapy aimed to restore movement, balance and coordination.
pituitary gland - a small gland in the head that makes hormones that control other glands and many body functions including growth.
placenta - During pregnancy, a temporary organ joining the mother and fetus. The placenta transfers oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the fetus, and permits the release of carbon dioxide and waste products from the fetus. The placenta is expelled during the birth process with the fetal membranes.
plaque - a buildup of fat, cholesterol and other substances that accumulate in the walls of the arteries.
plugged (milk) duct - when the small milk ducts in the breast become blocked, or plugged. This is often caused by mastitis.
pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs. Causes of pneumonia include bacteria and viruses.
pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs caused by an infection.
pornography - Pictures, videos, and written material that openly shows sexual situations and causes sexual excitement.
postpartum depression (PPD) - a serious condition that requires treatment from a health care provider. With this condition, feelings of the baby blues (feeling sad, anxious, afraid, or confused after having a baby) do not go away or get worse.
post-traumatic stress disorder - A psychological condition that can happen when a person sees or experiences something traumatic, such as rape, murder, torture, or wartime combat. A person can have many symptoms including flashbacks (re-living the event), nightmares, fatigue, anxiety, and forgetfulness. A person can also withdraw from family and friends.
preeclampsia - Also known as Toxemia, it is a condition that can occur in a woman in the second half of her pregnancy that can cause serious problems for both her and the baby. It causes high blood pressure, protein in the urine, blood changes and other problems.
Ulcer Symptoms Additional
symptoms of ulcer, symptoms ulcer, stomach ulcer, ulcer diet, h pylori ulcer, gastric ulcer, ulcer treatment, ulcer medication, ulcer care, acid reflux, hiatus, acid reflux, duodenum, decubitus, ulcerative colitis, heartburn, wound care, duodenal, gerd, pylori, stomach acid, irritable bowel syndrome, wound, peptic, colitis, indigestion, helicobacter pylori, hiatal, cancer, gastritis, ibs, h pylori, medlineplus, side effects, hypertension, diabetes
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