
disease - depression

Coronary Artery Disease

candida - a fungus, called Candida albicans, that causes yeast infections like thrush in the mouth and throat, and in intestines and other parts of the body.

cardiovascular diseases - disease of the heart and blood vessels.

cataplexy - a sudden loss of motor tone and strength.

cataracts - cloudy or thick areas in the lens of the eye.

celiac disease - a digestive disease that damages the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food. When people with celiac disease eat foods containing gluten, their immune system responds by damaging the small intestine.

central agonists - a type of medicine used to treat high blood pressure. Central agonists work by relaxing the blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily through the body.

cerebrovascular disease - disease of the blood vessels in the brain.

cervical cancer - happens when normal cells in the cervix change into cancer cells. This change normally takes several years to happen, but it can also happen in a very short amount of time. Before the cells turn into cancer, abnormal cells develop on the cervix that can be found by a Pap test. Women generally don't have symptoms of cervical cancer. But when cervical cancer is not found early and spreads deeper into your cervix or to other tissues or organs, you might have pain during sex; bleeding from your vagina after sex, between periods, or after menopause; heavy vaginal discharge that may have a bad odor; heavier bleeding during your period; or a menstrual period that lasts longer than normal. Human papillomavirus (HPV), a group of viruses, can cause abnormal changes on the cervix that can lead to cervical cancer. HPV is very common, and you can get it through sexual contact with another person who has HPV.

cervix - the lower, narrow part of the uterus (womb). The cervix forms a canal that opens into the vagina, which leads to the outside of the body.

cesarean (C-section) - procedure where the baby is delivered through an abdominal incision.

chemotherapy - treatment with anticancer drugs.

chickenpox - a disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which results in a blister-like rash, itching, tiredness, and fever.

chlamydia - a common sexually transmitted disease (STD). Most people have no symptoms, but chlamydia can cause serious damage a women's reproductive organs. When a woman does have symptoms, they may include thin vaginal discharge and other symptoms similar to gonorrhea like burning when urinating. Long-term irritation may cause lower abdominal pain, inflammation of the pelvic organs, and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

cleft lip and palate - congenital abnormalities (present at birth) that affect the upper lip and the hard and soft palate of the mouth. Features range from a small notch in the lip to a complete fissure, or groove, extending into the roof of the mouth and nose. These features may occur separately or together.

cholesterol - a soft, waxy substance that is present in all parts of the body. It helps make cell membranes, some hormones, and vitamin D. The liver makes all the cholesterol a person's body needs, so eating too much from animal foods like meats and whole milk dairy products can make your cholesterol go up.

make abnormal secretions leading to mucous build - up. CF mucous build-up can impair organs such as the pancreas, the intestine and the lungs.

debilitating - impairs the vitality and strength of a person.

decongestants - medications that treat cough and stuffy nose by shrinking swollen membranes in the nose and making it easier to breath.

dehydration - excessive loss of body water that the body needs to carry on normal functions at an optimal level. Signs include increasing thirst, dry mouth, weakness or lightheadedness (particularly if worse on standing), and a darkening of the urine or a decrease in urination.

depression - term used to describe an emotional state involving sadness, lack of energy and low self-esteem.

Depression Cases

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Depression Cases Additional

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